other in 6%, none or agnostic in 23%. (About 60% of the group reported they did receive religious training at home.)
Further indications of the type of family background are given by the following: Only a small proportion of parents had ever been committed to mental hospitals (under 5%), or had used narcotics (1.3%). A some what greater proportion had at one time beon arrested (10%), and still moro (23%) had been alcoholics, according to their children.
Information on number of brothers and sisters is given in Fig. 4. This chart shows three things: (1) distributi on of the group by number of brothers reported; (2) the same information for sisters; and (3) the same information for brothers and/or sisters (siblings). Some interesting point s appear from this data:
With regard to siblings of either sex, the largest number of persons (55) reported having just one; the next largest number (35) had nono that is about 22% of the group were "only children"; and the third largest number (30) had two. The "average" woman responding had 1.7 siblings. This means the "average" respondent came from a family of 2.7 children. While it is quito difficult to make valid comparisons with nation-wide data, we believe this is not exceptionally low for a largely urban group
Comparison of total number of brothers with total number of sisters is unusually interesting: Many more brothers were reported than sisters in fact a total of 148 brothers compared to 116 sisters. But this is not itself surprising, considering that the 157 respond ents themselves are all female. Thus, if one adds to the number of sistern the total number of women reporting, the sex ratio of children in the families concerned is seen to be 148 boys to 273 girls. This is a ratio of 52 boys for each 100 girls, which is extremely low for boys. Sex ratio figures for the general population are never this low, in any age group. The nation-wide ratio, except among the oldest age groups, usually remains very close to 100. If our sample were larger, this finding would raise interesting questions.
A past preference for one parent over the other was report-